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Traditional Car Rental Is Way Too Inefficient- This Is How To Fix It

Stuck at the airport, waiting in a seemingly endless line for a car rental that may or may not be the class you reserved?

You’re not alone.

Long lines to pick up the car, endless paperwork, and limited pickup hours are just a few of the many complaints from car rental customers.

The rental car industry requires an urgent update.

When traveling, anything from booking a flight to checking into a hotel is a smooth and seamless process.

Traditional car rentals, however, fall behind dramatically. But what if there was a better way?

A contactless car rental solution, powered by digital car keys, has the potential to revolutionize the car rental industry.

This offers a smoother, faster, and more convenient experience for travelers.


Picking Up The Rental Car


Just like any other service, car rentals are all about the first impression. More often than not, these first impressions are terrible for traditional rental companies.


Endless Queues- Traditional Car Rentals


The car pick-up is perhaps the worst part of the entire rental process. Afterall, nobody wants to be stuck in line after a long-haul flight, only to fill out tons of paperwork.

This isn’t exactly a smooth start to a vacation or a business trip. Take a look yourself:

This awful line is a common sight, not just at Orlando International Airport but also at other major airports worldwide.

For vacationers, it means at least an hour until they can enjoy their relaxing time in Florida. Those traveling for business are at risk of running late to the first meeting of the day.


No Queues- Contactless Car Rental


A contactless car rental solution eliminates the need for a pick-up desk altogether.

For the customer, this means they can head straight to the rental car. In addition, the vehicle can be unlocked remotely using their mobile phone. That way, the pick-up is seamless and pleasant.

In addition, the rental company no longer needs to pay for a desk and hire staff, saving crucial costs.


Lots Of Paperwork, Manual Document Verification- Traditional Car Rentals

Extensive paperwork is one of the reasons behind lengthy queues at car rental desks. The renter must read through and sign the rental agreement, sort out the insurance, excess, deposit, and more. The valid driving license needs to be verified manually by the staff.

All this takes time.


Digital Verification, In-App- Contactless Car Rental


A contactless car rental solution digitalizes the document process for the customer. The driving license and ID can be uploaded via the app and verified before the contract is signed, providing a smooth and seamless experience.

The contract is then signed digitally, all within the app.


Limited Pick-Up and Drop-off Hours- Traditional Car Rentals


This is yet another burden in the way. Obviously, rental car pick-up desks are not open around the clock.

This means the renter has to adjust their travel schedule to ensure they arrive when the desk is open. Some companies may extend the opening hours, though this will come with a hefty additional fee.

Think about all the missed opportunities- travelers who fly in early in the morning or late at night can’t receive the car.


24/7 Pick-Up and Drop-off- Contactless Car Rentals


Contactless car rentals, on the other hand, are available 24/7, 365 days per year.

Delayed flight? Not a problem, the customer can still pick up the car regardless of when they arrive.

24/7 availability puts the customer first, right where they belong.


Manually Verify The Vehicle Condition- Traditional Car Rentals


Before the rental car is handed over to the renter, its condition must be thoroughly checked for damage. In most cases, this means walking over to the car- both the staff and customer- to inspect it and note down any damages, and take check-in photos.

The condition is checked once again during the drop-off, adding another 30-60 minutes to the process.


Verify The Vehicle Condition Remotely- Contactless Car Rentals


The condition of the rental car is checked by the customer right before driving off. The rental app sends a request to take pictures documenting the car’s condition.

Additionally, the driver can receive a PDF with any pre-existing damages documented.

Another set of photos is taken by the driver during the drop-off process. The images can then be processed remotely. The staff does not need to be present during the process.


Drop-off The Vehicle at Pre-Arranged Time and Location- Traditional Car Rentals


The drop-off process at traditional car rentals isn’t any better. The renter must return to the desk during its opening hours, check the condition of the car with staff, sign more paperwork, and then be on their way.

Once again, a flight taking off late at night or on a holiday means the car rental drop-off becomes inconvenient or downright impossible.

In the best case, the keys can be dropped off in a box, making at least a part of the process less of a headache.

Drop-Off At Anytime, Anywhere- Contactless Car Rentals

With contactless car rental technology, the rental car can be dropped off anywhere within the pre-defined geofence.

The rental can be concluded when certain conditions are met: vehicle within the area, engine ignition off, central lock and window status.

A Contactless Solution To Transform Your Rental Car Business- Movitronic

Ditch the keys and streamline your rentals with Movitronic’s all-in-one solution for car rental companies.

Our technology suite equips you with everything you need to go keyless and contactless, including:

  • Hardware: All the necessary equipment for your fleet.
  • Customer App: A user-friendly app for renters to access and operate vehicles.
  • Cloud Service: Reliable and secure cloud infrastructure to manage your rentals.
  • Integration Software: Seamless connection with your existing fleet and booking systems.


Kenneth Pohl
Co-founder & CEO of Movitronic

Kenneth has more than 10 years of experience in sales, mobility and technology.

Find Your Product
For traditional pre-booked car rental businesses who want to digitalize their service.
Our best solution for free-floating or station-based carsharing operations.
For every organization that want a basic digital key application with their branding.
Iconic digital key hardware. Includes API, and SDK to make all the integrations seamless.
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