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Movitronic is providing facility for it’s user to handle errors in managed way to control flow by handling errors. For this we have set different errors and list of possible errors that can be thrown by the movitronic server upon your api request.
When you purchase your device you can add your vehicle here. You have to register first here. and then have to add your vehicles. You have to request for api key by submitting your request.
This api token is a random string for a user to prove their identity in a login process. It is typically used as a form of identification for physical access or as a method of computer system access. The token can be an item or a card that displays or contains security information about a user and can be verified by the system. Token is based on the use of a device that generates a random number, encrypts it and sends it to a server with user authentication information. The server then sends back an encrypted response that can only be decrypted by the device. The device is reused for every authentication, so the server does not have to store any username or password information, with the intent of making the system less vulnerable to hacking.
Error Handling
Movitronic is providing facility for it’s user to handle errors in managed way to control flow by handling errors. For this we have set different errors and list of possible errors that can be thrown by the movitronic server upon your api request. All codes that you receive from movitronic server that start from 2.xx are success. 5.xx errors are those which due to any error in our server. 4.xx errors are those which you can managed easily.
code integer
For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the error code reported.
message string
A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users.
status boolean
Status also represent request is executed successfully or not.
200 OK
Everything worked as expected.
400 Bad Request
The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized
No valid API key provided.
402 Request Faile
The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 Forbidden
The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
404 Not Found
The requested resource doesn't exist.
409 Conflict
The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key).
408 Device Error
This error comes when device throw any error so we are managing it and displaying error. It usually happens when your device is not powered on and you are trying to create share.
429 Too Many Requests
Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
500, 502, 503, 504 Server Errors
Errors on movitronic server, which is mostly already controlled by our team.
Movitronic provide you facility to view all your shares vehicles listing that you shared your vehicle. You can use this api to view listing. You can view two type of listing by sending api_key in request.
1: Available
2: Expire
Get all shares shows you Listings of all the vehicles that you have shared. Each Listing is associated with a User, and with a Vehicle (Users own Vehicles.) Shares Listings have a start date, and are valid till specified end date. By default, it returns all active Shares with pagination. If you want to see active shares then you have to write available in share_type field and if you want to see expired shares then you write expired in share_type field.
POST /shares/create
POST /share/update
GET /shares/get/{token}
GET /shares/list
Create a Share
The Shares Create API allows users to insert records into the system. The HTTP request URI you use to insert a new recording contains a vehicle_id, share_type and a token that let you create a share on the system. This API uses a different authentication model than the other SaaS APIs. For those APIs, you make a request with a username and password that belong to a normal user of the Movitronic environment who also exists in Configuration Server. To use this Share Create API, the HTTP request must send a Basic Authentication header with the Username and UserPassword. As with any POST request to Movitronic, you must add the Cross Site Request Forgery Protection (CSRF) headers to the requests.
start_date (UTC) required
Start date must be a date and it’s should be in UTC and it’s formate should be this ( Y-m-d H:i:s )
end_date (UTC) required
End date must be a date and it’s should be in UTC and it’s formate should be this ( Y-m-d H:i:s )
api_key required
This key must be provided that will used to authenticate user and if not provide it will return un-authorization error.
vehicles_id required
This is the vehicle id that we are using to create share against vehicle. While creating share your device must be active else it throw eror.
access_type required
It is permission that what permission you want to grant against this device, and security will be implemented according to your selected option. There are three option to choose.
— Full access"2"
— Driver access"3"
— Only can access doors and trunk
token optional
This token is optional and is a unique random token that if you send we will store else we will create a unique random string which will be stored against this share.
via optional
This text is optional which you can send any text which represent any company title or anything that you want.
status optional
You can provide status either you want to make active share while creating or not. Possible statuses are 0
Active 1
In active
allow_advance_command optional
You can provide boolean value to enable or disable this option. Possible values are true
or false
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 400
Description Share id is mandatory and provide valid share id.
Code 400
Description This vehicle id must be valid. You may enter wrong vehicle id that doesn't exist in our system.
Code 400
Description Share dates expired. Please provide valid date ranges.
Code 402
Description Share is already exist in the system against unique token and vehicle_id. Token must be unique for each share.
Code 408
Description This error comes when device throw any error so we are managing it and displaying error. It usually happens when your device is not powered on and you are trying to create share.
POST /shares/create
"code": 200,
"message": "Data Updated Successfully",
"data": {
"id": 216,
"start_date": "2022-03-01 11:38:58",
"end_date": "2022-03-01 19:38:58",
"token": "1198784618",
"status": "0",
"vehicle_id": {
"id": 128,
"name": "Carolla",
"tags": "sports",
"year": "2015",
"vehicle_company_id": 12,
"vehicle_company_name": "abceP",
"vehicle_model_id": 9,
"vehicle_model_name": "Daimler Moto8",
"key_id": 11,
"key_name": "bc-001",
"license": "500",
"can_update": false,
"colour": "white",
"doors": 2,
"ignition": "1",
"door_button": 1,
"trunk_button": 1,
"detail": {
"id": 130,
"device_code": "share-1",
"fuel": 80,
"latitude": 74.001,
"longitude": 34.0001,
"doors": "true",
"trunk": "true",
"tank_size": "0"
"file": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"user": {
"id": 428,
"code": null,
"name": "Shahid",
"email": "",
"contact": null,
"type": "operator",
"image": ""
"active_shares": 2,
"share_code": "426131",
"label": {
"id": 11,
"name": "movitronic",
"email": "",
"contact_no": "+92333",
"color": "black",
"api_key": "thEMN571FqkX24bi1aI0ylS9Kdf598dM",
"file": "",
"is_used": true,
"vehicle_id": 1,
"strip_key": "pk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVYeJqkB7vSfnFMAO0uKmcI2sTPfJ9RjgqCqaScXYFp5C9WfanyaM14Y7ebAXhwMXtMvBAT1IO400h8hJYwAq",
"strip_secret": "sk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVY6cPVWHIejcFWwc2yicFWx4nLe06waWsa0o7L1h2A2h0U6xeUIqiBoe8ab58EuNs6OGsFliWf00PyDrPGLK"
"label_share": {
"id": 136,
"hprice": "150",
"dprice": "250",
"label_id": "11",
"vehicle_id": 128
"usages": {
"previos_usage": {
"id": 142,
"from": "CG6P2222+92",
"to": null
"current_usage": {
"id": 143,
"from": null,
"to": null
"current_user": {
"id": 425,
"name": "Hello test",
"image": null
"share": true,
"deleted_at": false
"status": "true"
List Share
Movitronic provide you facility to view all your shares vehicles listing that you shared your vehicle. You can use this api to view listing. You can view two type of listing by sending api_key in request.
Get all shares shows you Listings of all the vehicles that you have shared. Each Listing is associated with a User, and with a Vehicle (Users own Vehicles.) Shares Listings have a start date, and are valid till specified end date. By default, it returns all active Shares with pagination. If you want to see active shares then you have to write available in share_type field and if you want to see expired shares then you write expired in share_type field.
api_key required
This key must be provided that will used to authenticate user and if not provide it will return un-authorization error.
share_type required
It will filter according to your need and you can view available shares or expire shares. Two options are there for this.
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 400
Description The share type field is required and it must be valid.
GET /shares/get/{token}
"code": 200,
"message": "Success",
"status": "true",
"data": [
"id": 1,
"start_date": "2021-03-25 17:22:52",
"end_date": "2021-03-29 17:54:10",
"token": null,
"status": "1",
"vehicle_id": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Toyota",
"tags": "sports",
"year": "2050",
"vehicle_company_id": 1,
"vehicle_company_name": "Honda",
"vehicle_model_id": 4,
"vehicle_model_name": "500CC",
"key_id": 6,
"key_name": "B2c-0921",
"license": "500",
"can_update": true,
"colour": "White",
"doors": 2,
"ignition": null,
"door_button": 0,
"trunk_button": 0,
"detail": {
"id": 1,
"device_code": "DA1235",
"fuel": 30,
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"doors": "false",
"trunk": "false",
"tank_size": "0"
"file": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"user": {
"id": 1,
"code": null,
"name": "Super Admin",
"email": "",
"contact": "+923113233028",
"type": "superadmin",
"image": ""
"active_shares": 1,
"share_code": "266558",
"label": {
"id": 11,
"name": "movitronic",
"email": "",
"contact_no": "+92333",
"color": "black",
"api_key": "thEMN571FqkX24bi1aI0ylS9Kdf598dM",
"file": "",
"is_used": true,
"vehicle_id": 1,
"strip_key": "pk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVYeJqkB7vSfnFMAO0uKmcI2sTPfJ9RjgqCqaScXYFp5C9WfanyaM14Y7ebAXhwMXtMvBAT1IO400h8hJYwAq",
"strip_secret": "sk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVY6cPVWHIejcFWwc2yicFWx4nLe06waWsa0o7L1h2A2h0U6xeUIqiBoe8ab58EuNs6OGsFliWf00PyDrPGLK"
"label_share": {
"id": 2,
"hprice": "150",
"dprice": "250",
"label_id": "11",
"vehicle_id": 1
"usages": {
"previos_usage": {},
"current_usage": {
"id": 8,
"from": "357, Block N Shah Jamal Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 53700, Pakistan",
"to": "2, Napier Quarter, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan"
"current_user": {
"id": 297,
"name": null,
"image": null
"share": true,
"deleted_at": false
"encryption": {
"bluetooth_key": "AB1641719844",
"bluetooth_slot": null
"id": 2,
"start_date": "2021-03-25 17:22:52",
"end_date": "2021-03-29 17:54:10",
"token": "987654321",
"status": "1",
"vehicle_id": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Toyota",
"tags": "sports",
"year": "2050",
"vehicle_company_id": 1,
"vehicle_company_name": "Honda",
"vehicle_model_id": 4,
"vehicle_model_name": "500CC",
"key_id": 6,
"key_name": "B2c-0921",
"license": "500",
"can_update": true,
"colour": "White",
"doors": 2,
"ignition": null,
"door_button": 0,
"trunk_button": 0,
"detail": {
"id": 1,
"device_code": "DA1235",
"fuel": 30,
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"doors": "false",
"trunk": "false",
"tank_size": "0"
"file": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"user": {
"id": 1,
"code": null,
"name": "Super Admin",
"email": "",
"contact": "+923113233028",
"type": "superadmin",
"image": ""
"active_shares": 1,
"share_code": "266558",
"label": {
"id": 11,
"name": "movitronic",
"email": "",
"contact_no": "+92333",
"color": "black",
"api_key": "thEMN571FqkX24bi1aI0ylS9Kdf598dM",
"file": "",
"is_used": true,
"vehicle_id": 1,
"strip_key": "pk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVYeJqkB7vSfnFMAO0uKmcI2sTPfJ9RjgqCqaScXYFp5C9WfanyaM14Y7ebAXhwMXtMvBAT1IO400h8hJYwAq",
"strip_secret": "sk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVY6cPVWHIejcFWwc2yicFWx4nLe06waWsa0o7L1h2A2h0U6xeUIqiBoe8ab58EuNs6OGsFliWf00PyDrPGLK"
"label_share": {
"id": 2,
"hprice": "150",
"dprice": "250",
"label_id": "11",
"vehicle_id": 1
"usages": {
"previos_usage": {},
"current_usage": {
"id": 8,
"from": "357, Block N Shah Jamal Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 53700, Pakistan",
"to": "2, Napier Quarter, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan"
"current_user": {
"id": 297,
"name": null,
"image": null
"share": true,
"deleted_at": false
"encryption": {
"bluetooth_key": "AB1651665504",
"bluetooth_slot": null
"id": 3,
"start_date": "2021-03-25 17:22:52",
"end_date": "2021-03-29 17:54:10",
"token": "987654321",
"status": "1",
"vehicle_id": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Toyota",
"tags": "sports",
"year": "2050",
"vehicle_company_id": 1,
"vehicle_company_name": "Honda",
"vehicle_model_id": 4,
"vehicle_model_name": "500CC",
"key_id": 6,
"key_name": "B2c-0921",
"license": "500",
"can_update": true,
"colour": "White",
"doors": 2,
"ignition": null,
"door_button": 0,
"trunk_button": 0,
"detail": {
"id": 1,
"device_code": "DA1235",
"fuel": 30,
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0,
"doors": "false",
"trunk": "false",
"tank_size": "0"
"file": "",
"thumbnail": "",
"user": {
"id": 1,
"code": null,
"name": "Super Admin",
"email": "",
"contact": "+923113233028",
"type": "superadmin",
"image": ""
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"share_code": "266558",
"label": {
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"name": "movitronic",
"email": "",
"contact_no": "+92333",
"color": "black",
"api_key": "thEMN571FqkX24bi1aI0ylS9Kdf598dM",
"file": "",
"is_used": true,
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"strip_secret": "sk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVY6cPVWHIejcFWwc2yicFWx4nLe06waWsa0o7L1h2A2h0U6xeUIqiBoe8ab58EuNs6OGsFliWf00PyDrPGLK"
"label_share": {
"id": 2,
"hprice": "150",
"dprice": "250",
"label_id": "11",
"vehicle_id": 1
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"previos_usage": {},
"current_usage": {
"id": 8,
"from": "357, Block N Shah Jamal Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 53700, Pakistan",
"to": "2, Napier Quarter, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan"
"current_user": {
"id": 297,
"name": null,
"image": null
"share": true,
"deleted_at": false
"encryption": {
"bluetooth_key": "AB2100594159",
"bluetooth_slot": null
"id": 4,
"start_date": "2021-03-25 17:22:52",
"end_date": "2021-03-29 17:54:10",
"token": "987654321",
"status": "1",
"vehicle_id": {
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"name": "Toyota",
"tags": "sports",
"year": "2050",
"vehicle_company_id": 1,
"vehicle_company_name": "Honda",
"vehicle_model_id": 4,
"vehicle_model_name": "500CC",
"key_id": 6,
"key_name": "B2c-0921",
"license": "500",
"can_update": true,
"colour": "White",
"doors": 2,
"ignition": null,
"door_button": 0,
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"detail": {
"id": 1,
"device_code": "DA1235",
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"file": "",
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"email": "",
"contact_no": "+92333",
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"file": "",
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"label_share": {
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"dprice": "250",
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"to": "2, Napier Quarter, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan"
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"name": null,
"image": null
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"deleted_at": false
"encryption": {
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"bluetooth_slot": null
"id": 5,
"start_date": "2021-09-13 17:22:52",
"end_date": "2021-09-29 17:54:10",
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"tags": "sports",
"year": "2050",
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"vehicle_model_id": 4,
"vehicle_model_name": "500CC",
"key_id": 6,
"key_name": "B2c-0921",
"license": "500",
"can_update": true,
"colour": "White",
"doors": 2,
"ignition": null,
"door_button": 0,
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"name": "movitronic",
"email": "",
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"color": "black",
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"file": "",
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"strip_secret": "sk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVY6cPVWHIejcFWwc2yicFWx4nLe06waWsa0o7L1h2A2h0U6xeUIqiBoe8ab58EuNs6OGsFliWf00PyDrPGLK"
"label_share": {
"id": 2,
"hprice": "150",
"dprice": "250",
"label_id": "11",
"vehicle_id": 1
"usages": {
"previos_usage": {},
"current_usage": {
"id": 8,
"from": "357, Block N Shah Jamal Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 53700, Pakistan",
"to": "2, Napier Quarter, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan"
"current_user": {
"id": 297,
"name": null,
"image": null
"share": true,
"deleted_at": false
"encryption": {
"bluetooth_key": "AB945353222",
"bluetooth_slot": null
"id": 6,
"start_date": "2021-09-13 17:22:52",
"end_date": "2021-09-29 17:54:10",
"status": "1",
"vehicle_id": {
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"name": "Toyota",
"tags": "sports",
"year": "2050",
"vehicle_company_id": 1,
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"vehicle_model_id": 4,
"vehicle_model_name": "500CC",
"key_id": 6,
"key_name": "B2c-0921",
"license": "500",
"can_update": true,
"colour": "White",
"doors": 2,
"ignition": null,
"door_button": 0,
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"detail": {
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"device_code": "DA1235",
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"share_code": "266558",
"label": {
"id": 11,
"name": "movitronic",
"email": "",
"contact_no": "+92333",
"color": "black",
"api_key": "thEMN571FqkX24bi1aI0ylS9Kdf598dM",
"file": "",
"is_used": true,
"vehicle_id": 1,
"strip_key": "pk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVYeJqkB7vSfnFMAO0uKmcI2sTPfJ9RjgqCqaScXYFp5C9WfanyaM14Y7ebAXhwMXtMvBAT1IO400h8hJYwAq",
"strip_secret": "sk_test_51GzLtKLbPf34pHVY6cPVWHIejcFWwc2yicFWx4nLe06waWsa0o7L1h2A2h0U6xeUIqiBoe8ab58EuNs6OGsFliWf00PyDrPGLK"
"label_share": {
"id": 2,
"hprice": "150",
"dprice": "250",
"label_id": "11",
"vehicle_id": 1
"usages": {
"previos_usage": {},
"current_usage": {
"id": 8,
"from": "357, Block N Shah Jamal Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 53700, Pakistan",
"to": "2, Napier Quarter, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh, Pakistan"
"current_user": {
"id": 297,
"name": null,
"image": null
"share": true,
"deleted_at": false
"encryption": {
"bluetooth_key": "AB601178002",
"bluetooth_slot": null
"id": 7,
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Movitronic’s technology suite for car rental businesses includes everything you need: customer facing mobile apps, digital key hardware, a robust server system, and easy integration with fleet and booking management systems. Movitronic has vast features and one of it is booking feature. Booking facilitate you with the functionality to manage your vehicle booking automatically via our system and system also keep you upto-date with the booking process and flow like booking start, booking expiry and booking complete.
GET /bookings
POST /bookings/create
POST /bookings/update
DELETE /bookings/delete/{id}
GET /bookings/get/{id}
POST /bookings/upload/image
DELETE /bookings/delete/image/{imageId}
Create a Booking
The Booking Create API allows users to create booking into the system. Below we will provide you all params detail which gonna needed to create a booking.
start_date (UTC) required
The start date must be a date and it should be in UTC and its format should be this ( Y-m-d H:i:s )
end_date (UTC) required
The end date must be a date and it should be in UTC and its format should be this ( Y-m-d H:i:s )
api_key required
This key must be provided that will used to authenticate the user and if not provided it will return an unauthorized error.
This is the vehicle ID that we are using to create a booking against a vehicle. While creating a booking your device must be active else it throws an error.
This is the main driver email which is required to create a booking against a specific user so we can also send booking invitations and other notifications to the respective email.
This is the additional driver attribute if the rental company wants to include more users in a single booking. It will create a booking and will send invitations to these additional drivers also.
This is an HTML attribute that accepts html tags and also stores against booking which the rental company will utilize to show the contract to respective users.
It accepts a pdf file which you need to send along others. Customers can see the vehicle condition report pdf when you upload this and it will provide much detail to customers about your service.
It’s pickup coordinates that need to be in an array and can have multiple coordinates with lat and long. It defines from where the vehicle should be pickup. Here is an example of how it can be
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
It’s dropoff coordinates that need to be in an array and can have multiple coordinates with lat and long. It defines where customers have to drop the vehicle and we can name it as parking position also. Here is an example of how it can below.
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
This text is optional and you can send any html formatted content which you can then later utilize to show insurance details. You need to enter English language insurance in it.
This text is optional and you can send any html formatted content which you can then later utilize to show insurance details. You need to enter Estonia language insurance in it.
This is a double input field that represents the insurance price and informs customers what is our insurance price if they need to add premium insurance or not.
This is a text field that represents the insurance agent name which helps the user to develop trust in which the insurance company is integrated with our system.
This is a double input field that needs to be sent along with the agent that the user chooses. It shows the customer how much the agent charges for it.
It’s a dynamic field that need to be in an array and can have multiple object item in it. It will helpfull in contract to show customers what else we are providing to him. Some of example I am attaching below.
"title": "Insurance",
"title_en": "Insurance",
"title_es": "Insurance",
"price": 10,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": false
"title": "Fuel fee",
"title_en": "Fuel fee",
"title_es": "Fuel fee",
"price": 50,
"is_daily": false,
"is_vat": true
"title": "tyre puncture",
"title_en": "tyre puncture",
"title_es": "tyre puncture",
"price": 4,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": true
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 400
Description This vehicle is not shared yet. Please assign this vehicle first.
Code 400
Description A booking is already exist. Please choose different dateTime or choose an-other vehicle
Code 400
Description share end date must be in future
"code": 400,
"status": "false",
"message": "All Fields are required",
"data": {
"start_date": "The start date field is required.",
"end_date": "The end date field is required.",
"main_driver": "The main driver field is required.",
"vehicle_id": "The vehicle id field is required."
POST /bookings/create
"api_key": "*****************",
"start_date": "2023-12-18 17:56:01",
"end_date":"2023-12-18 19:02:00",
"contract": "",
"vehicle_condition_pdf": "",//It should be an file
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
"agent": "ERGO Insurance SE",
"extras": [
"title": "Insurance",
"title_en": "Insurance",
"title_es": "Insurance",
"price": 10,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": false
"title": "Fuel fee",
"title_en": "Fuel fee",
"title_es": "Fuel fee",
"price": 50,
"is_daily": false,
"is_vat": true
"title": "tyre puncture",
"title_en": "tyre puncture",
"title_es": "tyre puncture",
"price": 4,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": true
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"status": "true",
"message": "Success"
Update Booking
The Booking Update API allows users to update booking information of already created booking. Below we will provide you all params detail which gonna needed to create a booking.
start_date (UTC) required
The start date must be a date and it should be in UTC and its format should be this ( Y-m-d H:i:s )
end_date (UTC) required
The end date must be a date and it should be in UTC and its format should be this ( Y-m-d H:i:s )
api_key required
This key must be provided that will used to authenticate the user and if not provided it will return an unauthorized error.
This is the vehicle ID that we are using to create a booking against a vehicle. While creating a booking your device must be active else it throws an error.
This is the main driver email which is required to create a booking against a specific user so we can also send booking invitations and other notifications to the respective email.
This is the additional driver attribute if the rental company wants to include more users in a single booking. It will create a booking and will send invitations to these additional drivers also.
This is an HTML attribute that accepts html tags and also stores against booking which the rental company will utilize to show the contract to respective users.
It accepts a pdf file which you need to send along others. Customers can see the vehicle condition report pdf when you upload this and it will provide much detail to customers about your service.
It’s pickup coordinates that need to be in an array and can have multiple coordinates with lat and long. It defines from where the vehicle should be pickup. Here is an example of how it can be
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
It’s dropoff coordinates that need to be in an array and can have multiple coordinates with lat and long. It defines where customers have to drop the vehicle and we can name it as parking position also. Here is an example of how it can below.
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
This text is optional and you can send any html formatted content which you can then later utilize to show insurance details. You need to enter English language insurance in it.
This text is optional and you can send any html formatted content which you can then later utilize to show insurance details. You need to enter Estonia language insurance in it.
This is a double input field that represents the insurance price and informs customers what is our insurance price if they need to add premium insurance or not.
This is a text field that represents the insurance agent name which helps the user to develop trust in which the insurance company is integrated with our system.
This is a double input field that needs to be sent along with the agent that the user chooses. It shows the customer how much the agent charges for it.
It’s a dynamic field that need to be in an array and can have multiple object item in it. It will helpfull in contract to show customers what else we are providing to him. Some of example I am attaching below.
"title": "Insurance",
"title_en": "Insurance",
"title_es": "Insurance",
"price": 10,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": false
"title": "Fuel fee",
"title_en": "Fuel fee",
"title_es": "Fuel fee",
"price": 50,
"is_daily": false,
"is_vat": true
"title": "tyre puncture",
"title_en": "tyre puncture",
"title_es": "tyre puncture",
"price": 4,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": true
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 400
Description This vehicle is not shared yet. Please assign this vehicle first.
Code 400
Description No booking found.
Code 400
Description A booking is already exist. Please choose different dateTime or choose an-other vehicle
Code 400
Description share end date must be in future
"code": 400,
"status": "false",
"message": "All Fields are required",
"data": {
"start_date": "The start date field is required.",
"end_date": "The end date field is required.",
"main_driver": "The main driver field is required.",
"vehicle_id": "The vehicle id field is required."
POST /bookings/update/{id}
"api_key": "*****************",
"start_date": "2023-12-18 17:56:01",
"end_date":"2023-12-18 19:02:00",
"contract": "",
"vehicle_condition_pdf": "",//It should be an file
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
"agent": "ERGO Insurance SE",
"extras": [
"title": "Insurance",
"title_en": "Insurance",
"title_es": "Insurance",
"price": 10,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": false
"title": "Fuel fee",
"title_en": "Fuel fee",
"title_es": "Fuel fee",
"price": 50,
"is_daily": false,
"is_vat": true
"title": "tyre puncture",
"title_en": "tyre puncture",
"title_es": "tyre puncture",
"price": 4,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": true
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"status": "true",
"message": "Success"
Get Booking Detail
The Booking Get api will provide you all information against booking id. You just need to provide correct booking id and it will give you all information related to it.
api_key required
This key must be provided that will used to authenticate the user and if not provided it will return an unauthorized error.
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 400
Description No booking found.
get /bookings/get/{id}
"code": 200,
"data": {
"id": 2,
"uuid": "*******",
"contract": null,
"booking_status": "Active booking",
"agent": "ERGO Insurance SE",
"pay_price": null,
"check_in_odometer": null,
"check_out_odometer": null,
"check_in_fuel": null,
"check_out_fuel": null,
"excess_amount": 300,
"extra_insurance_content": null,
"extra_insurance_content_et": null,
"start_date": "2024-01-18 15:56:01",
"end_date": "2024-01-29 17:02:00",
"vehicle_id": 202,
"label_id": 11,
"current_fuel": 0,
"status": "1",
"extras": [
"id": 7,
"title": "Insurance",
"title_en": "Insurance",
"title_es": "Insurance",
"price": 10,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": false,
"created_at": "2024-01-22T15:05:16.000000Z",
"booking_id": 2
"id": 8,
"title": "Fuel fee",
"title_en": "Fuel fee",
"title_es": "Fuel fee",
"price": 50,
"is_daily": false,
"is_vat": true,
"created_at": "2024-01-22T15:05:16.000000Z",
"booking_id": 2
"id": 9,
"title": "tyre puncture",
"title_en": "tyre puncture",
"title_es": "tyre puncture",
"price": 4,
"is_daily": true,
"is_vat": true,
"created_at": "2024-01-22T15:05:16.000000Z",
"booking_id": 2
"check_parking": null,
"check_things": null,
"return_key": null,
"vehicle_condition_pdf": null,
"insurance_price": null,
"pickup_station_geofence": [
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
"dropoff_station_geofence": [
"lat": 20.13,
"long": 10.13
"fuel_tank_capacity": 55,
"fuel_tank_price": 97,
"signature": null,
"checkout_at": null,
"extra_insurance": null,
"fuel_coverage": false,
"is_contract_signed": null,
"contract_signed_at": null,
"images": [],
"vehicle_detail": {
"id": 202,
"name": "Toyota Corolla",
"license": "623 LSX",
"file": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"previous_vehicle": null,
"drivers": [
"id": 2,
"user_contact": "*****************",
"user_name": "",
"type": "1",
"extra_insurance": 0,
"is_license_verified": false,
"license_verification_status": "not-created",
"license_number": "",
"license_verification_failed_reason": ""
"created_at": "2024-01-18 11:10:49",
"updated_at": "2024-01-22 15:05:16"
"status": "true",
"message": "Success"
Delete Booking
The Booking delete api will allow you to delete specific booking if it’s no more use for you. You can delete it by just providing booking id.
api_key required
This key must be provided that will used to authenticate the user and if not provided it will return an unauthorized error.
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 400
Description No booking found.
delete /bookings/delete/{id}
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"status": "true",
"message": "Record Deleted Successfully"
Upload Images
We provide functionality to upload images which we allow customers to upload against specific category. We have define some category for images which are
- Check In Images
- Checout Images
- Extra Images
- Damage Report
These are the category we can allow to upload images. Here are ids of each category
booking_id required
Booking id is required to upload images against specific booking. You can get it from list booking api
comment optional
It is a text field that just acts as notes.
type required
This is a category of image that the customer needs to provide while uploading images. We have 4 sides of images of cars that users can upload while check-in and check-out. All types are defined above.
image required
This is file type which should be png,jpg or jpeg.
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 401
Description No booking found.
"code": 400,
"status": "false",
"message": "All Fields are required",
"data": {
"image": "The image field is required.",
"type": "The type field is required. | The selected type is invalid."
POST /bookings/upload/image
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"status": "true",
"message": "Success"
Delete Images
The Booking system allows to delete uploaded images also. All you need to use delete image api and provide imageId and also need to provide booking_id so to make system more secure not allow anyone to delete another booking images.
booking_id required
Booking id is required to upload images against specific booking. You can get it from list booking api
Code 401
Description Unauthorized user, api key must be valid.
Code 400
Description No Image found against this image.
Code 400
Description No booking found.
Code 400
Description This image is part of vehicle sides image. You cannot delete it.
"code": 400,
"status": "false",
"message": "All Fields are required",
"data": {
"image": "The image field is required.",
"type": "The type field is required. | The selected type is invalid."
delete /bookings/delete/image/{imageId}
"code": 200,
"data": [],
"status": "true",
"message": "Success"
Command API
This api will provide you control on your device. You can use command door and trunk to control them either to open or close them.
api_key required
This key must be provided that will used to authenticate user and if not provide it will return un-authorization error.
unique_id required
This token is required and should be same token that you have send while creating share. If you have not given this token then you can get this token by using get share api.
"token": "123"
command required
Customer can send command and we have set restriction which is only allowing to send these commands. doors
, trunk
data required
It’s a json value which movitronic will receive and will decode the data and utilize values. Possible json that system will receive is [ 'value' => '1' ]
or [ 'value' => '0' ]
for door command only and for trunk we doesn’t need any data value.
extra_param optional
It’s a json value which movitronic will receive and will decode the data and store value.
No share against this unique_id found.
his share is not started yet.
No share against this unique_id found.
No share against this unique_id found.
Shares Date Expires.
Access Denied! You does not has permission to proceed with this command.
Code 408
Description This error comes when device throw any error so we are managing it and displaying error. It usually happens when your device is not powered on and you are trying to create share.
POST /command
"code": 200,
"data": {
"door": 0,
"car_id": 128
"status": "true",
"message": "Success"
Webhook EndPoints
Movitronic will use these webhook endpoints to trigger events like door, trunk and key holder etc. You have to provide this end point on your website where you hosted your website.
Event Parameters (Doors, Trunk)
This key will be your sass unique key that you got by movitronic admin after registration.
Movitronic will inform you about which event is this. It can be
“1” – doors
“2” – trunk
For doors it can be open, closed and for trunk it will be open always
Movitronic will also send you vehicle id so you can easily handle events at your side.
Event Parameters (Heartbeat)
This key will be your sass unique key that you got by movitronic admin after registration.
Movitronic will inform you about which event is this. It can be
1: doors
2: trunk
Movitronic will also send you vehicle id so you can easily handle events at your side.
Movitronic will also send some extra data about heartbeat.
1: lat
2: long
3: battery_voltage
4: supply_voltage
5: engine_rpm
6: user_id
7: fuel
Event Parameters (Keyholder)
This key will be your sass unique key that you got by movitronic admin after registration.
Movitronic will inform you about which event is this. The command will be key-holder
Movitronic will send you id of your sass registration that exist in our system.
Movitronic will you value attribute that shows that key is placed in key holder or not. value grater than 4 show not placed yet and less than 4 show key is placed in key holder.
Movitronic will send you user id who actually triggering this event.
Version History
Our team is working day and night and putting full effort to provide our customer a well maintained software and resolved all our customer issues so we are maintaining version history to give you update about any new feature or bug fixing.
Version 1.1 – February 7, 2024
Copyright & License
Code released under the Movitronic License.
For more information about copyright and license check

- Kenneth Pohl
- Ph. +372 5674 8884

- Alison Lee
- +44 0 33 3303 1086
- Send Email

- Kenneth Pohl
- +372 5674 8884
- Send Email